Sunday, September 13, 2009

GF Pasta, Veggie Tomato Sauce, and "Mock" Meatballs!

The other night I was flipping through one of my favorite vegan cookbooks~ The Vegan Lunch Box  by Jennifer McCann, wondering what I should fix for dinner. My eye was caught by a recipe I had long wanted to try: Pasta and "Sneakin Mama's Tomato sauce with Lentil Rice Balls" YUM!! So.....I made it, and it was even more amazing than I had imagined! The tomato sauce was SO flavorful and tasted like it popped out of a gourmet Italian restaurant, and the lentil rice balls were hearty, chewy, and "so" much like meatballs! You didn't miss the loads of meat, or parmesan cheese, or that bland and boring tomato sauce! And the recipes? I'm sorry my friends, but you MUST buy her book! It is very good......especially for transitioning to vegan foods! (even if you homeschool!! :-)

Here is my representation: 

Happy Eating!

Miss Lizzy

~Lovin' the Limeade~

It's the end of Summer, and we just LOVE our Limeade!! It's tangy, sugar free, fresh, and above all: Healthy! You'll never go back to Minute-Maid again!! 


1 part limes
3 part water
1/2 part agave nectar
1 part ice cubes.

This is SO good and refreshing.....try it before winter comes! 

Miss Lizzy

Salad- Is what you make it!

This fantastic green salad I made was SO good! It was just greens, and one of my favorite salad dressings~ Here's the recipe:

I didn't really measure, so just add to taste~ 

Green Garlic Salad Dressing:

Garlic Cloves
Lemon Juice
Fresh Parsley
Fresh Basil
Sea Salt

That's it! Just blend slightly in your blender, till the garlic is nice and "shredded." If you want a creamier dressing.......blend longer. 

Pour over a bed of your favorite leafy greens! 

Here's My salad I took a picture of~

Miss Lizzy

Friday, September 11, 2009

A healthy day!

Today has been a very healthy eating day!! Today I woke up and had a delicious smoothie, and for lunch I had a soup that my mother and I came up with that we later called: Scarborough Fair soup with herbs from the garden. With that we had Red Quinoa that was simply delish!! 

What are Ya'lls favorite healthy day recipes?  Give me a comment, and we can all share ideas!! 


Miss Lizzy

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

~A word on Gluten Free Mixes~

I'm sure everyone who is Gluten intolerant goes through the "All the GF baking mixes taste terrible!"  That was me...until I found an all purpose baking mix called "Pamelas" ('s actually called something like pancake/baking mix) I didn't have duck eggs at the time, so I made a batch of pancakes without the eggs--it was really good!! So when I finally got more duck eggs, I began making ALL the recipes on the back of the bag!!! Banana bread, scones, biscuits, pancakes, waffles, muffins and too many others to list. Each recipe I made tasted so entirely amazing that I thought once or twice on checking the bag to "make sure it WAS gluten free!" It didn't taste like it at all! (And "was" GF!!) 

So.....if your interested in an absolutely amazing baking/bread/cookie/biscotti mix, take a look at the website:  Pamelas 

I hope this helps ya'll!

Miss Lizzy

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

When Yer Sicky.....You Feel Icky!

Yes My Friends.....I have been sick! 

My usual once every "couple of months" cold.  Granted, they aren't fun, but must be endured! I don't know about ya'll....but my symptoms consist of the usual bad headaches, sore throat, runny nose, and aches. My solution?  TREAT A COLD NATURALLY!! I couldn't stress this point enough!  

Here's most peoples response:  "AHH I've got a cold!!" as they grab a kleenex, and run to the nearest doctors office--who gives them a prescription to the nearest pharmacy--who gives them a drug that will eventually make them even more sick!  Not to mention it costs an arm and a leg! 

Here's my response: "AHH I've got a cold!!" as I run to grab a kleenex, and then run to the kitchen--which gives me hot herbal tea, vitamin c, broth, garlic, probiotics, coral calcium, and tons of water! (Which would you choose? A walk to the kitchen......or a drive to the doctor?) that you're absolutely convicted on herbal remedies for colds, let me share with you some things that make it go by a WHOLE lot quicker! 

1. Drink plenty of water and fluids--It will flush the bad stuff out of your system, hydrate you, and clean out your lymphnodes where lots of excess guck is hanging out. 

2. Eat lots of raw garlic or take organic garlic pills. Garlic is unbelievable for fighting infections of ANY sort!!

3. If you have a bad runny nose or congestion: Drink LOTS of Echinacea and elderberry has an amazing Double E Immune Booster tea that is great for warding off colds! Or just buy some Sambucol syrup for those who aren't quite as brave.

4. Eat VERY spicy foods--Which will not only relieve congestion, it will cause you to sweat tremendously which is sweating out all the bad stuff from your body! (If you have a fever, sweating is VERY good for you! ---Just make sure to drink plenty of water! :-) 

5.  Do plenty of acidophilus, ginger, lemon, and dark leafy greens to keep your PH level at it's normal state. A lot of times when you are sick it makes your body extremely acidic! 

6. Take a hot shower or bath every day to relieve congestion and achey muscles. 

7. Take lots of vitamin C! 

8. Prop your pillows up at night when you sleep to help you're breathing if you are congested. It also helps bad coughing! 

9. Eat lightly! Your body needs to spend its time healing you, not digesting a heavy meal! Don't worry, there will be plenty of time for lasagna once your well! As a matter of fact, don't eat ANY sugary foods or dairy/sugar which will only aid your sickness, and made you feel like a boat full of sludge! (it's also awful for congestion!)

10. Clean out your nasal passages! Whether it's with an all natural nasal spray like Xlear, or whether it's a good old fashioned Netti Pot, do something to relieve your plugged up nosie! 

And my last tip to you? REST!! Stay bundled up under that warm quilt with your pillows propped up, and you yourself relaxed!! A cup of chamomile tea will even put you to sleep! 


Miss Lizzy

I've got the Anti-fungal blues!

Dear readers, 

I have been trying to go on an "Anti-Fungal" Diet for about a month now...with little success! I can't pass up that Gluten Free Brownie mix that is just so divine. Ooo....Pancakes sound GREAT for breakfast!! Maybe I'll just get this "one" little carton of my favorite soy ice cream. That little bit can't hurt.....can it?  Readers......I'm sure you can easily come up with the answer: YES!! :-) 

As a result, I just haven't been feeling the best lately! Even though I am allergic to wheat, eggs, etc... when things like homemade strawberry turnovers, or chinese dumplings come down my way, I'm caught like a duck on a june bug! (to quote my family) There is no easy way to give up your favorite foods.....unless you replace it with something else!! 

For those of you who are saying: "What on earth is Anti-Fungal??"  Here ya go:

No wheat, yeast, gluten or corn
No Vinegar (which is in EVERYTHING!) 
No Sugar, maple syrup, honey, evaporated cane juice or molasses
No Sugary fruits including bananas, grapes, apricots, dates, most apples, mango, kiwi, papaya, peaches, cherries all melons, and more. 
No starchy vegetables like potatoes, corn, mushrooms (which are a fungus) and peas
No Red Meats, and absolutely no pork
No Fermented Foods such as miso, soy sauce and tamari, sauerkraut, etc...
NO CHOCOLATE!!! Devastating
You can only have 1/2 cup grain per day. Less is best
You can only have 1 serving of non-sugary fruits which exist of berries....per day. 

The result: Fungi Free! 

So...I must now try again to customize my routine eating habits around these somewhat primitive perimeters! :-) 

So to make a long story short....I am going anti-fungal again......and I'm going to try to stay like that before we go on a week long vacation....

Each Day until the advancing vacation date I will be eating and posting a healthy and "Fungi Frugal" diet! 

Now you are what CAN I eat? Plenty of good leafy greens, a tad bit of chicken(if I want it) Eggs--Duck for me since I'm allergic to chicken eggs, Berries, Bean/legumes(which includes lentils) and my grains consist of a 1/2 c. of millet, quinoa, rice, or oats. Young Coconuts, some Citrus, green apples,  a tad of raw carob powder, and an occasional bit of agave nectar--if I must. Oils are also on my "I can eat" list, so I LOVE pumpkin seed, olive, coconut, pecan, grapeseed, and sesame oils to make my food taste decadent! Hey! It's not so bad! Oh, and I can have tomatoes and all herbs.....could NOT live without those!! I can also have garlic...which is GREAT!!

Phew!!! Okay, well I think that's about it! Join me this month in eating the healthiest things you possibly can!!! 

Christ's Blessings, and happy eating! 

Miss Lizzy