Friday, March 12, 2010

Country food just tastes a whole lot better......

Care to know what our little hands have been making? ;-)
(sorry, no pictures yet!) :(

Our top favorite creation was the Double Chocolate Orange Torte From Elanas Pantry....let's just say...Divine, Melt in your mouth goodness that only took a few gobbles to finish! By far the best Gluten Free, homemade desert we've ever made. (We did substitute oat flour, and we used our homemade chocolate chips...)

If you'd like this recipe, click HERE and your on your way to decadence!

Another favorite was the country breakfast's we fixed! Or....more Brunchs....but so delicious!
We made potato hash browns sauteed with GF spinach and feta sausage, green peppers, and onions. YUM and served that with Laura's homemade biscuits with our home-canned raspberry jam and honey. (of course she made me a tasty batch of GF biscuits that I still argue were better than theirs...**grins**) I had mine with applesauce, and so finished a delightful meal.

Another favorite has been the Salads! :-) We made a spinach/red leaf lettuce salad with colorful peppers, salmon, brown rice, cucumbers and drizzled in a yummy garlic balsamic vinegar dressing. SO good!

And last but not least, Laura made a very creative mexican casserole which was layered with:
Corn tortillas
Mexican cheese
Spicy tomato sauce
Bell peppers

She baked that in the oven until the cheese was nice and melted, and it sure didn't last very long! :-)

Those were the highlight meals, and I hope more will follow!

Happy eating, and Christ's Blessings,

Miss Lizzy

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