Thursday, February 11, 2010

Faire une pause de sucre et des grains~

Need a translation? **wink wink** "Taking a Break From Sugar and Grains" (and yes, that was French.....isn't it lovely?)

Yes, I am officially taking a break from ALL sugar and grains!!! I have been on a starch and sugar overload, and it's just not what does this mean?

When I say I mean no sugar....I don't just mean the white stuff you find in the grocery store...nope, sugar can disguise itself in many deceiving little

Gluten Free Baking mixes/regular breads, canned products, yogurt etc...
Sauces and dips
Desserts...hmmm..... that's pretty obvious
And practically ANYTHING you find in a grocery store.....
Just be aware, if some of the products you are using "don't" have corn syrup, then they will most likely have that awful white, refined sugar.

As to the sugars I'm avoiding?

Agave Nectar
Maple Syrup
And any other sweet substance that is not a fruit! :D :D

Not that the above sweeteners are "bad" for you, by no means! Excluding sugar and maple syrup, the other two leftovers are a great way to sweeten anything without the use of sucre.(sugar)
But I just decided to get all my sugar intake from only fruits.....yum! :D :D :D
Oh, and as Stevia is an herb, and it won't spike your blood sugar, I'll be using that.......

Now, as to the grains....

I will be eliminating the following;

Wheat and Gluten (obviously)
Rice--that will be HARD
Spelt--I don't eat it anyway...
ANY Gluten Free Baking/bread mixes

So, that about sums it up! I'll be doing this "starch cleanse" you might call it... for about 3 weeks...And I'll be focusing on the really good things, like veggies, fruits etc...!

Where Will I get my protein you ask? From Beans and Greens! :D :D

Have a delicious day!
Christ''s Blessings,

Miss Lizzy

1 comment:

Eleganza Strings/ The DeLadurantey Family said...

Ah! I am not having any wheat or sugar, or dairy..........but am still eating whole grains and a little honey every once in a while!
