Friday, March 16, 2012

Spring Green Juice | Allergy free

Healthy though it may be, green juice has never been one of my favorite drinks... 
But I've been trying to pack extra veggies and greens into my strict diet right now, 
and I actually concocted a recipe that is really great. 
Green juice is now my daily morning routine, and It's amazing stuff. 

Spring Green Juice


4 Stalks Celery
1/2 of a large cucumber
handful of cilantro
8 or 9 leaves of romaine lettuce

Run veggies through a juicer and strain with a nut milk bag or sieve.

Since I love veggies, this juice doesn't bother me in the least, but should you want to change it up a bit, adding a small amount of fresh apple or orange juice makes it taste delicious as well.


Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Blueberry fruit leather | Allergy free

I'm a complete snack food junkie, so finding something healthy that is also portable
 can be a challenge sometimes. I stumbled across a recipe for fruit
 leather over at and decided to try and make my own.
 It was SO quick and simple, and I was really pleased with the outcome! 

Blueberry fruit leather:


5 cups fresh or thawed-frozen blueberries

Blend blueberries in a blender or food processor. Empty mixture into sieve and strain out seeds.
Pour the strained blueberry mixture onto teflex sheets for your dehydrator, or onto a flat baking sheet lined with plastic wrap.
Dehydrate for 4-6 hours (or bake in the oven at it's lowest setting with the door ajar) until the texture is flexible and chewy.
Wrap in parchment paper and store in ziptop baggies.

This is a great snack to take on car trips, and the flavor possibilities are endless.
Try Strawberry/Raspberry/Mango/Peach/Banana or any other of your favorite fruit combinations.


Sunday, March 11, 2012

Monday, March 15, 2010

~Mexican Tortilla Soup~

Today was a cold and dreary day, and what better to eat than a comforting bowl of soup?
Some of our friends came over today to have a "Planting Party" and so three of us girls got in the kitchen and made lunch for the elder sisters and moms......A day of delightful fellowship, and Delicious dining! ;-)

Mexican Tortilla Soup~

4 Cups Carrots-Chopped
2 Cups Celery-Chopped
2 TB. Crushed or minced Garlic
1/4 Cup Chopped Onion
2 TB. Extra Virgin Olive Oil
1 28 oz. can Fire Roasted Tomatoes
1 14.5 oz. can of Adobo Seasoned Tomatoes
1 TB. Chili Powder
1 Tsp. Cumin Powder
1 Tsp. Onion Powder
1/2 Tsp. Garlic Powder
4 Cups Cooked Brown Rice
3 1/2 Cups Pinto Beans
8-10 Cups Pure Water
2 TB. Salt --or to taste
1-2 Cups Tortilla Chips
Cilantro for garnishing

Saute the crushed garlic and olive oil. Add Carrot, Celery, and Onion and saute till the veggies are tender. Stir in the Chili powder, Onion powder, Garlic powder, salt, and cumin. Pour in the Tomato sauce and water, and stir. Simmer on the stove for about 20 minutes, or until the vegetables are tender. Add the cooked Pinto beans and cooked brown rice and cook until heated through. Garnish with cilantro and tortilla chips and serve!

Enjoy your soup!

Christ's Blessings,

Miss Lizzy

Friday, March 12, 2010

Country food just tastes a whole lot better......

Care to know what our little hands have been making? ;-)
(sorry, no pictures yet!) :(

Our top favorite creation was the Double Chocolate Orange Torte From Elanas Pantry....let's just say...Divine, Melt in your mouth goodness that only took a few gobbles to finish! By far the best Gluten Free, homemade desert we've ever made. (We did substitute oat flour, and we used our homemade chocolate chips...)

If you'd like this recipe, click HERE and your on your way to decadence!

Another favorite was the country breakfast's we fixed! Or....more Brunchs....but so delicious!
We made potato hash browns sauteed with GF spinach and feta sausage, green peppers, and onions. YUM and served that with Laura's homemade biscuits with our home-canned raspberry jam and honey. (of course she made me a tasty batch of GF biscuits that I still argue were better than theirs...**grins**) I had mine with applesauce, and so finished a delightful meal.

Another favorite has been the Salads! :-) We made a spinach/red leaf lettuce salad with colorful peppers, salmon, brown rice, cucumbers and drizzled in a yummy garlic balsamic vinegar dressing. SO good!

And last but not least, Laura made a very creative mexican casserole which was layered with:
Corn tortillas
Mexican cheese
Spicy tomato sauce
Bell peppers

She baked that in the oven until the cheese was nice and melted, and it sure didn't last very long! :-)

Those were the highlight meals, and I hope more will follow!

Happy eating, and Christ's Blessings,

Miss Lizzy

Wednesday, February 24, 2010


I almost forgot one of my favorite blogs! Here it is~

This has super yummy recipes your sure to enjoy! :D :D : D

Christ's Blessings,

Miss Lizzy

Top 5 Gluten Free Blog Countdown~






Hope you check out these wonderful Gluten Free Blogs!! :D :D :D

Christ's Blessings,

Miss Lizzy